Thursday, April 24, 2014

No Ragrets

Almost all of us have seen We're the Millers that came out August 7th this past year, and it's easy to make fun of Scottie P's tattoo that reads "no ragrets." I'm sure most of us have also seen the countless pictures of people's mistakes on tattoos, getting tattoos of a boyfriend/girlfriend (and of course the relationship doesn't last), infections happening, and just completely awful tattoos. The truth in these happenings is that sure, a lot of tattoos can turn out absolutely awful; but a lot can turn into something truly as amazing as the art itself is.

When we spoke with Tony at Sacred Heart tattoos, I asked him about the stereotype that tattoos often get because of certain people that just happen to have tattoos. When I asked him what he thought about tattoos in the workplace, we got into a pretty fired up conversation.  I told him that when I was in Journalism 101, we had a speaker that told people it would be best to cover tattoos up in the workplace. This enraged Tony: "Get the fuck out. I don't judge you based on your skin color or say I hate your freckles. It's ignorant." The conversation went on with Tony's annoyed comments at people who have little to no understanding of the tattoo community and that are small minded people. He also went on to say, "If everybody had tattoos it wouldn't be as special. I connect with other minorities because of them -- I'm colored - a minority." I thought this to be a very interesting perspective, because it is definitely true. Tony even spoke about "every time I walk into a gas station... every time I walk into a gas station... every time I walk into a gas station," he gets bad vibes from people because of his tattoos. Many people do look at people with tattoo's differently, but just because they are a minority doesn't mean they aren't people. Tony's advice to people is to "be cultured and understand that people are worth getting to know, and for the people who judge based on stereotype and misconceptions...those people aren't worth your time."

I think that if we learn from other people and make sure to get someone's perspective before we judge them, everyone would be happier. Not all people with tattoos are bad people, just like not all people without tattoos are good people.

Squires, Tony. Tattoos Jenna Brende. Lincoln, 23 April 2014.

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