Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Every generation goes through different trends of tattoos.  About 30-50 years ago, it was getting swords and crosses for those in the army, or the hibiscus flower on the ankle for women.  However, fewer people had tattoos back then than people in this generation.  Kids are getting tattoos sooner and sooner.  "Tattoos are particularly popular with teenagers who explore their identity through experimentation with their outward appearances and, since the 1990s tattoos have become an established part of youth culture" (Blair 39).  Before we know it tattoos are going to be a regular thing rather than something that makes people different, which goes against how it all started.  The popularity of tattoos has significantly skyrocketed within the last 5-10 years, and who knows if it will continue to increase at this rate or if it will die down with the generation, similar to a couple of generations ago.

Here are a couple of very popular trends with college aged women

As you can see, they are very feminine and small.  Also all of these tattoos are located on their bodies in places they can easily hide if need be because of work.  That is becoming an increasing factor and also risk with tattoos.

Tattoos Teenagers: An Art Educator's Response
Lorrie Blair
Art Education, Vol. 60, No. 5 (Sep., 2007), pp. 39-44
Article DOI: 10.2307/27696239
Article Stable URL:

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