Friday, May 9, 2014


At first when we started this project, I wasn't entirely sure what to think. And now that we're finished with it, I find myself noticing so much more than what I would have before. At first, I didn't pay that much attention to the tattoo community and kind of closed my mind to what it actually is like. But after spending time in it, I have so much appreciation for the art that takes place in tattoo parlors and shops. It's amazing to see what some people can do with a needle and some ink, and create a permanent memory that lasts a lifetime on someone's living, breathing canvas- their skin! I have a newfound appreciation for all tattoos, even if I'm not particularly keen on what exactly someone gets. I find myself looking at tattoos a lot more on pinterest now just to see what people are getting, and maybe, just maybe, get ideas for my first tattoo.

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